Western Tech will continue to monitor weather and driving conditions overnight. We anticipate a normal schedule tomorrow, January 9. A notice will be sent via text and email if there are any changes to the schedule due to the weather.
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WTC Extends Spring Break Due to Covid-19

March 13, 2020

Greetings Students and Staff,

As we continue to learn more about the development of COVID-19, Western Tech’s main priority will be to ensure the safety of our guests, students, faculty, and staff. We also want to ensure that we continue to be transparent in our communication and keep you updated on any recent developments. As we continue to proceed with precaution, I assure you that our decisions are and will be based on facts and relying on the experts to support our actions so that we continue to do what is best for each of you and our community.

Over the last few weeks, we have been closely monitoring and preparing for all possible scenarios and ensuring we have the right plans and resources in place. In addition, we have remained in close contact with our local, state, and national partners in education to ensure that we work together in keeping our communities safe.

As mentioned in previous communications, our efforts include the cleaning of common areas and ensuring our cleaning partners are being diligent in executing the cleaning guidelines and providing disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizers to all lobbies, classrooms, and offices. Over the next weeks, both campuses will undergo a thorough cleaning to ensure a safe and sanitary return for all our guests, families, students, faculty, and staff.

As of now, we will be extending our Spring Break by one additional week and will resume on Monday, March 30, 2020. Over the next two weeks, both campuses will be open from 8am-5pm with some administrative support. Should you need any assistance, please feel free to contact the school between these hours.

In the meantime, Western Tech is committed to following any developing stories, communicating timely and accurately, taking care of one other, and making decisions with you in mind. Should any additional action(s) need to be taken, we will provide notification to you by Wednesday, March 25, 2020.

Have a safe Spring Break!

Warm Regards & Be Well!
Brad Kuykendall
Chief Executive Officer