Adam Arce

“My Real World experiences at college were difficult and at times stressful, but throughout my time I thought of the benefits that would come out of it all.” He adds, “I want to thank my parents for supporting me, Western Tech for preparing me for the Real World, and those that said I couldn’t do it, for giving me the motivation to finish.”
Arce’s journey through school was not an easy one. Working through a divorce, raising a child, and doing homework, he was determined to achieve his goal. Arce graduated from the Electronics Engineering Program at Western Tech. Shortly after graduating, he was hired by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and later was named the Student of the Year for the State of Texas by the Career College and Schools of Texas (CCST).
“I felt so good being the only one to receive an award for my personal success rather than others that got ‘company awards’,” commented Arce. “In truth, I really have to say, I did it all for my son. I knew he would benefit from my success.” Arce was the best illustration of what dedication in school can yield.
Arce’s personal philosophy, “You can never know too much of anything.” He advises current and future students to, “choose your career wisely and go for it! My thoughts were always every time I learned a new thing, I would apply it to anything I could. Learn everything they put in front of you. You might think it’s not going to be used! It is all used. Use your knowledge and push people (figuratively) to get experience. Don’t let anyone say you can’t do it. Do your best at anything you do! I apply my best at anything I touch. DON’T QUIT! Keep your head up high. The light at the end of the tunnel just gets brighter and success awaits you!”